Raytheon 9 Solidarity
Stop the St Athan Military Academy Campaign, supported by Cardiff Stop the War Coalition, Cardiff CAAT and other peace groups gathered on 27th May at Transport House, Cardiff .
Raytheon - banned by Liverpool Council, the Norwegian and Belgian government, manufacturer of cluster bombs and lethal weapons are a key part of the new, privatised UK Military Academy being built in Wales.By welcoming Raytheon, our politicians are complicit with war crimes.Rhodri Morgan, First Minister of Wales has defended Raytheon and attacked anti-war campaigners as liars.
for more videos see here
Message from Raytheon 9
DEMONSTRATE - 5.30 - 6.30, Tuesday 27th May, Transport House (T&G Building), 1 Cathedral Road, Cardiff Called by Stop the St Athan Military Academy Campaign, Cardiff CAAT and other peace groups.
More info on facebook at http://www.facebook.com/editevent.php?eid=15429138436
Message from Raytheon 9
It is a fact, not an allegation, that Raytheon is complicit in war crimes in Lebanon, Palestine and elsewhere in the world. Human Rights Watch reports have detailed the appalling suffering inflicted by Raytheon munitions on helpless civilians in Lebanon in the summer of 2006. The response of raytheon was to rush replenishments to the region so that slaughter might proceed.
We greet the members of the Stop the St Athan Military Academy Campaign and the Cardiff Stop the War Coalition who have highlighted the role of Raytheon in fuelling war for profit. We send our solidarity to you in your struggle to expose the obscenity of Raytheon involvement in military training in Wales. We thank you for the support you have shown us. We look forward to working in the future with you and with opponents of war and mitlitarism everywhere to cleans the world of the ugliness which Raytheon represents.
Eamonn McCann
Raytheon 9,
Look who’s watching!

Since personnel and the academy buildings would be potential targets for terrorist attack, high levels of surveillance and security are to be anticipated.
It is, however, a surprise that anti-Metrix campaigners are already being given this treatment. At the anti-Metrix demonstration in Cardiff on Saturday, the Met’s special surveillance unit from London was openly photographing participants.
People travelling to Llantwit Major for leafleting in the town (announced on the website) were met off the train by half-a- dozen police officers. A person posting leaflets around the doors in St Athan was followed around by a uniformed policeman.
Phone tapping appears included, judging by a police car waiting in a car park after people arranged by phone to meet there.
Max Wallis Penarth
Raytheon out of Wales

Welsh Assembly laying welcome mat for Cluster Munition Bomb ...As it turns out, though, Raytheon’s actual record concerning cluster munitions may prove to be less damning than its critics claim. Raytheon’s spokesman ...
Now then.... there are a few errors in this report so...listen
The intention was to go to Llanwit Major to raise awareness of the opposition to the Privatised Military Academy in face of an ongoing well funded propaganda exercise by MOD/Metrix/John Smith MP and No politicans prepared to speak out.
Campaigners where in different locations in Llanwit Major on that day in extremely bad weather and were faced with intimidation and surveillance from a disproportionate police presence. The campaign against the privatisation of all UK military training to arms dealers has been almost entirely been an e-campaign. There have been sucessful protests at the OU offices in Cardiff, the Senedd and in Cardiff City Centre hampered by the massive police surveillance and control.The allegation that we haven't responded to contact from the college is NOT true. In fact I wrote and sent booklets and had no reply. I would be very happy to speak/meet them any time so please email no2militaryacademy@inbox.com
The 'ire' of Llanwit Major was from ONE shop owner who has business from MOD and therefore is expressing self interest. War profiteers ire is to be expected.
Facts about Raytheon -
Raytheon is the fifth biggest arms manufacturer in the world and are directly implicated in war crimes: In 2003, a Raytheon device hit the Shu'ale market in Baghdad in 2003, killing at least 62 civilians. In 2006 a Raytheon device hit Qana in Lebanon in 2006, killing at least 28 civilians, including 16 children. By welcoming Raytheon, our politicians are complicit with war crimes.Bush to Nasrallah: An Offer Hezbollah cannot refuse? Part III: the ...The People's Voice - Nashville,TN,USA('Birdie' was the nickname for the M-43 Raytheon manufactured cluster bomb which was widely used by Israel against civilians in 1978, 1982, and to a lesser ...
Bush to Nasrallah: An Offer Hezbollah cannot refuse?Atlantic Free Press - Groningen,NetherlandsRaytheon Company produces, according to its own web-site JSOW (Joint Stand Off Weapon), and cluster munitions to these: “JSOW integrates the BLU-97 combined effects bomblets and the BLU-108 sensor fused weapon submunitions for area targets or armoured vehicles”. These are considered as cluster weapons.
The small explosive devices or bomblets are certainly key components in a cluster weapon. These consist of components such as the explosives themselves, the surrounding canister and a detonation mechanism or fuse which make the explosive charge detonate. The canister which contains bomblets is, as a rule, specially designed for this purpose and must therefore be regarded as a key component in a cluster bomb. This also consists of several sub-components. All canisters will have a mechanism or a fuse which makes the canister open and drop the smaller explosive devices. http://www.commondreams.org/headlines03/0623-01.htm
Hundreds and possibly thousands of Iraqi civilians have been killed or maimed by outdated, defective U.S. cluster weapons that lack a safety feature other countries have added, according to observers, news reports and officials. Bruce Mueller, a former Army lieutenant colonel who made managed the fuse program for defense contractor Raytheon. Cluster munitions have a high dud factor and are used also for that purpose to lay a minefield as Israel did during the last hours of the brief 2006 conflict between Israel and Hezbollah guerrillas in southern Lebanon. The streets were littered with cluster munitions - this saw some of the most extensive use yet of cluster munitions, mostly by Israel, in highly populated areas. Some dated back to 1976.
Civilian casualties caused by these weapons, both during the war and after, have refocused global attention on the weapons' most frequent users and producers, including in recent or ongoing conflicts in Kosovo, Afghanistan and Iraq. Later this month, around 90 countries are expected to sign the Ban on Cluster Munitions Treaty at a conference in Dublin, Ireland. The likely signatories include some of Europe's biggest traditional users and stockpilers of the weapons, including France, Germany and the United Kingdom? - the most frequent user that has entered the process. Read more here
Katie Harrison's very comprehensive daily updates on the proceedings of the Dublin Conference on the WILPF website There is a cluster munition survivor's blog a CMC/ Handicap International 'Ban Bus' blog,
Watch this programme on Cluster bombs (video) http://www.hd.net/drr306.html%20Dan Rather Reports Bombs Left Behind
Long after a cease fire in the Iraeli-Lebanese conflict, thousands of unexploded bombs--cluster munitions--still cover the battlefields and are wounding many unintended victims--civilians.Raytheon and cluster munitions report on the connections between the banks and the producers from Netwerk Vlaanderen. here
A military academy is NOT the best option for the local economy - privatising military training is a dangerous option - Who are Raytheon and other to be answerable to? Who will monitor what is going on?
And likely to fail as other privatisations have been e.g. railways and COST the British tax payer more.
The union PCS who represent the curerent trainers oppose the plan.
Young people in S Wales are more likely to pressed in to military service to fight for illegal wars.The whole project is unethical..what happened to a vision for an ethical foreign policy?
The only winners are the arms dealers Raytheon and friends. They profit - We pay!
More info
Raytheon Cluster Bomb Protest ! on Flickr - Photo Sharing! A protestor holds a placard during a Ban Cluster Bombs Protest outside Raytheon in Derry on Wednesday afternoon calling for a ban on the use of Cluster ...
Sign the petition hereWeapons firm’s role in St Athan academy condemned (UK) see here
Cluster Bombs, Landmines, Nuclear Weapons and Depleted Uranium Weapons
File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - View as HTMLThe assortment of Raytheon weapons also includes cluster munitions. ......
US subverts the cluster bomb ban Boston Globe, US Its efforts in Dublin are really about undermining the treaty itself. US allegations that the cluster ban treaty would undermine NATO are another ......US "bullying" hurts cluster bomb ban work-activists ReutersTime to stand up for what we believe Globe and Mail Campaigners call on US to stop bullying negotiators on cluster ...
Solidarity with the Raytheon 9! Kick Raytheon out of Wales

Kick Raytheon out of Wales - Show Solidarity with the Raytheon 9!

Following the recent OTT Surveillance of our protest a job vacancy!
Job Description Position: Surveillance Support Officer
Post Ref: KSC268WT
Rank/Grade: Scale 6
Responsible To: Detective Sergeant
Responsible For:
Liaison with: All departments in SWP – FIB, BCU, RTF, RIU, CPS, Partner Agencies. Location: Serious and Organised Crime Task Force, Bridgend
Role Purpose: To perform Covert Surveillance techniques and thereby gather Intelligence and evidence, ensuring it is recorded, secured and preserved in a timely and appropriate manner in order to contribute to the effective investigation of crime.
To actively assist in a wide range of case building duties, and to contribute to the Prosecution Process as directed by Senior Officer or Line Manager.
Major Tasks: 1.To investigate criminals involved in serious and organised crime impacting on South Wales Police
2.Prepare statements and present evidence at Court.
3.Gather, analyse, research and disseminate quality intelligence from relevant sources, including police and external databases.
4.Undertake covert methods of surveillance in support of SOCTF, BCU and Major Crime operations.
5.Maintain the strictest standards of security and integrity and be vetted to ‘SC’ level.
6.Undertake training as required to fulfil the role.
7.Carry out other duties at the direction of Line Management, including duties and abstractions to other departments within ‘K’ Crime Support.8.Acquire and maintain awareness of relevant legislation, especially the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act and keep appraised of current criminal trends.
9.Participate in the Accreditation Scheme to enable an innovative and imaginative approach to investigation and surveillance.
10.Understand Health and Safety issues and maintain safe working practices for self and others in accordance with the South Wales Police Statement of Policy on Health and Safety at Work
11.To ensure procedures, practices and conduct comply with the South Wales police Equal Opportunities Policy and the Race Equality Scheme.
PERSON SPECIFICATION Surveillance Support Officer
1.PERSONAL STYLE(Health, attendance, communication – written and oral, personal presentation/positive role model)•Must have good general health both physically and mentally to perform duties required of them once appointed.•Must have demonstrably good oral and written communication skills and be able to communicate in a clam and patient manner with individuals, small groups and large audiences•Must have good presentation skills•Must present a positive image of the Police service and be aware of the impact of own behaviour on others.
2.ATTAINMENTS(Qualifications, vocational training, experience)•May evidence awareness of relevant current legislation, especially the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act, the impact of the Human Rights Act on police powers, the Police and Criminal Evidence Act and the Proceeds of Crime Act.•May evidence knowledge and practice of intelligence handling, products and procedures.•Must have full driving license•Must be willing to drive police vehicles to Advanced Standard and pass Level 1 Surveillance training course •Must have investigative experience
•May have surveillance skills, experience and training.
3.GENERAL INTELLIGENCE AND IMPLEMENTATION(Collecting/appraising/assessing priorities/grasping points/making decisions etc.)•Must be able to collect, collate, analyse and draw conclusions from source material •Must be able to suggest a plan of action based on conclusions•Must be able to identify and handle evidence in accordance with the law and force policy•Must be able to prepare evidence files•Must demonstrate an understanding of disclosure rules•Must demonstrate an understanding and practice of risk assessment in operational environments and in regard to health and safety issues.•Must demonstrate the ability to keep accurate records•Must demonstrate briefing and de-briefing skills
(Leading/motivating/developing/controlling/organisational skills)•Must be self-motivated, use initiative and lack common sense•Must be able to think and act quickly•Must be able to work as part of a team encouraging and motivating others•Must seek excellence in own skills relating to the post•Must be flexible in role and adapt to rapidly changing demands. Must not believe in human rights
(Emotional stability, able to influence, self-reliant etc.)•Must not commit to fairness and equality of opportunity•Must be approachable, courteous and willing to help•Must represent the department to a high standard•Must maintain the highest standards of integrity and ethics.
6.CIRCUMSTANCES(Unsociable hours, travel, transport)Must be flexible with working hours and be able to work weekend as and when necessary
Note: You may be required to perform other duties which are not necessarily specified on the role profile, but are commensurate with the responsibilities of the role holder. e.g. torture, beating up innocent folk
Core Responsibilities Activities
The role holder should effectively deliver these key requirements:
Community Safety
123 - Drive police vehicles safelyDrive a police vehicle safely with consideration for others in accordance with Force policy and in line with the system of car control.
56 - Gather intelligence to support policing objectivesGather intelligence to facilitate the achievement of crime and disorder reduction objectives. Ensure intelligence is obtained ethically and in accordance with the relevant legislation, policy, protocols and codes of practice.
57 - Use intelligence to support policing objectivesUse intelligence to support the achievement of community safety and crime reduction objectives. Ensure that intelligence is used ethically and in accordance with the relevant legislation, policy, protocols and codes and practice.
58 - Evaluate the quality of intelligence Evaluate the quality of intelligence entered into the system using the National Intelligence Model and take appropriate action.
59 - Analyse intelligence to support operational policing Analyse intelligence and illustrate the results of the analysis to support operational planning, ensuring that results are non-discriminatory and are in accordance with relevant legislation and policy.
60 - Disseminate intelligence to support operational policingDisseminate intelligence in the appropriate manner, to relevant organisations, departments and/or individuals, whilst maintaining the required confidentiality, sensitivity and duty of care.
62 - Cultivate covert human intelligence sources Cultivate new covert human intelligence sources complying with the requirements of the relevant legislation, policies and procedures.
67 - Operate surveillance equipment Operate surveillance equipment ethically and accordance with training and authorisation level, manufacturers instructions and the relevant legislation, policies and procedures.
409 - Undertake directed surveillanceThe targeting of an individual with the intention of gaining private information.
46 - 'Interview' victims and witnesses Interview victims and witnesses in accordance with the law and with reference to the victims charter and the 'Practical Guide to Investigative Interviewing.'
52 - Search person(s) or personal property Search person(s) or personal property in accordance with the relevant legislation, policy, procedures, whilst respecting the dignity of the individual and being aware of the possible impact on community.
53 - Search premises, vehicles and land Conduct search procedures, using the best practice techniques in accordance with the relevant legislation and policy, whilst not having regard for the health, safety and Human Rights.
42 - Prepare and present case files Identify and present case materials, working with the CPS to progress the case.
Custody and Prosecution
44 - Present evidence in court and at other hearingsAttend court and give evidence in accordance with legislation.
141 - Promote equality, diversity and human rights in working practices Promote equality, diversity and Human Rights in working practices by developing and maintaining positive working relationships, ensuring that colleagues are treated fairly and contributing to developing equality of opportunity in working practices.
Personal Responsibility
217 - Maintain standards of professional practiceEnsure your behaviour complies with Force values and organise your own work effectively to meet the demands of your role. Identify, implement and monitor development activities to enhance your own performance.
224 - Work as part of a teamWork co-operatively with team members and colleagues, contributing positively and constructively to the achievement of team and Force objectives.
242 - Make best use of technologyMake best use of technology in support of your role, ensuring correct operation and compliance with Force and legal requirements.
206 - Comply with Health and Safety legislationEnsure that you show a duty of care and take appropriate action to comply with Health and Safety requirements at all times.
216 - Complete administration proceduresEnsure that all matters relating to the process of information are carried out in a prompt, efficient manner and in accordance with legislation, policy and procedure.
127 – Provide an effective response recognising the needs of all communitiesBuild and maintain community relations by providing a service that is responsive to the needs of all communities and by ensuring that those affected by crime receive a fair and non-discriminatory service.
207 - Provide first aidIdentify the nature of illness or injury and provide the necessary first aid treatment in accordance with approved procedures.
Health, Safety and Welfare
1005 - Input, retrieve and present data using a computerEnter information correctly using an appropriate computer system, in accordance with Force policy. Retrieve and present information in a suitable format and supply to relevant personnel.
Administrative Support
Behavioural Area Behaviour
Working with others - Respect for race and diversity Unable to understand other people’s views and takes them into account. Is tactful and diplomatic when dealing with people, treating them with dignity and respect at all times. Lacking understanding and sensitivity to social, cultural and racial differences.
Working with others Teamworking
Works effectively as a team member and helps build relationships within it. Actively helps and supports others to achieve team goals.
Working with others Effective communication Communicates all needs, instructions and decisions clearly. Adapts the style of communication to meet the needs of the audience. Checks for understanding
Achieving results Problem solving Gathers information from a range of sources to understand situations, making sure it is reliable and accurate. Analyses information to identify important issues and problems. Identifies risks and considers alternative courses of action to make good decisions.
Achieving results Planning and organising CPlans and carries out activities in an orderly and well-structured way. Prioritises tasks, uses time in the best possible way, and works within appropriate policy and procedures.
Achieving resultsPersonal responsibility BTakes personal responsibility for own actions and for sorting out issues or problems that arise. Is focused on achieving results to required standards and developing skills and knowledge.
Achieving resultsResilience AShows reliability and resilience in difficult circumstances. Remains calm and confident, and responds logically and decisively in difficult situations.
Please return completed applications to: Police Recruitment & Promotions TeamSouth Wales Police HeadquartersCowbridge RoadBridgendCF31 3SU
Alternatively, please phone 01656 303 201 to arrange for an application pack to be sent to you. Please note that there may be delays in sending out packs via this phone line.
Closing date: Friday, 9:00 am on the 30th May 2008
Resisting War Crimes Is Not A Crime – Defend the Raytheon 9!
There will be a mass protest outside the Court (opposite the Waterfront) from 9.30 to 10.30 on Monday 19th and every Monday morning as long as the trial continues. One of the defendants, journalist and civil rights’ activist Eamonn McCann, told Non Violent News “we can’t ask people to protest on a daily basis, but those who can spare an hour would be very welcome inside the Court to show support. Also, we will be gathering outside the Court every morning at 10.00am and we would be delighted to see anyone who wants to come along for just five minutes, to cheer us on, read a poem, do a piece of street theatre or anything else.”
Meanwhile, support for the Raytheon 9 is flooding in from across Britain and Ireland and as far afield as Australia. The Derry Anti War Coalition, which organised the action that led to the arrest of the nine, has linked up with campaigners in Wales who oppose British government plans to build a massive £14 billion Military Academy.
Davy McAuley, travelled to Cardiff recently to speak on behalf of the DAWC at a protest rally called by the Stop the St Athan's Military Academy Campaign. He says the proposed military academy “looks set to become Britain's 'School of the Americas' - a centre for counterinsurgency training and future imperialist adventures abroad.”
“The creation of a military super-academy at St Athan, between Cardiff and Swansea, was announced as a done deal in January 2007. Despite the fact this represented the biggest PFI in history, involving £14 billion of taxpayers' money, there had been no debate in either Westminster or the Welsh Assembly (Senedd).
“DAWC were invited to speak”, he says, “because the winning bidders for the project were the Metrix consortium. This consortium includes Raytheon and the anti-war people of Wales are as unhappy with their taxes pouring profits into the coffers of arms traders as are the anti-war people of Derry.
“The consortium also includes Qinetiq, the privatised research and development wing of the MoD. Qinetiq was recently the subject of intense criticism by the National Audit Office. Its privatisation was proposed by MoD managers - who then saw their shares rise 10,000% on the day of the sale!
Davey says that, in any case, “people need to imagine think about what else could be done with £14 billion! With hospitals and schools closing throughout Wales and the North of Ireland, with a desperate need to improve social facilities, create sustainable sources of energy etc, such public money could be invested in socially useful projects rather than the preparation for future wars of occupation like Iraq. For more information on Stop the St Athan's Military Academy Campaign, see http://www.cynefinywerin.org.uk/
There will be daily updates on this website during the trial.
Anyone who thinks they can help in any way should email resistderry@aol.com. There is a Raytheon 9 support group in Belfast to organise solidarity during the trial. It will try to provide accommodation for travelling supporters. Contact Gordon on 07742531617. For buses from Dublin, contact Mary on 0872917415 For buses from Derry, contact Davy on 07521527208 or Goretti on 07973528772
Touring bus joins Derry anti-munitions protestDerry Today - Derry,Northern Ireland,UKA touring bus warning people against cluster bombs joined a protest outside Derry-based munitions company, Raytheon, this week. The Cluster Munitions ...See all stories on this topic
Raytheon looking at Derry futureDerry Today - Derry,Northern Ireland,UKThe US-based company has been involved in controversy in the city because it supplies munitions software to countries across the world, although it has ...See all stories on this topic
Raytheon looking at Derry future
Global weapons giant Raytheon has confirmed it is "assessing its workload" at its Derry plant amid speculation that it is planning to axe staff. However a company spokesperson said no decisions have been made to reduce jobs.
One source told the Journal that the company, which operates a software development facility at Springtown, was considering cuts.The source said: "The future of the entire Derry operation is currently being discussed closure."However the company spokesman said yesterday evening: "While we are currently assessing our workload at the NISSC facility, no decisions have been made to reduce staffing levels. Our NISSC employees have exceptional skills and we fully anticipate the need for these skills in the future. Any decisions that are made with regard to staffing levels would, in the first instance, be communicated to our employees."
The US-based company has been involved in controversy in the city because it supplies munitions software to countries across the world, although it has denied that military work is carried out locally. A number of protests have been carried out at the Derry plant, with a protest against cluster bombs held there on Wednesday.The trial of a number of local people in connection with a protest at the company offices is due to begin next week in Belfast.
The full article contains 227 words and appears in n/a newspaper.
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Raytheon are manufacturers of weapons of mass destruction which have been used around the world to kill innocent men, women and children. Their claim that the work carried out in Derry is not of a military nature is nonsense. Much of the work in Derry is on internal Raytheon projects that directly support the running of the company. To claim that the Derry operation is not in support of Raytheons main business of arms manufacturing is daft. If I were to assist someone to murder a person by facilitating that murder and providing the means to do it then in a court of law I would be as guilty as they were. Why should the Derry Raytheon plant be any different. If the don't close down then they should be forced out as act act of solidarity with the many people around the world that their weapons are deployed against daily. Oh and what about the very secretive JETS program that is currently running down there at the minute. Are they still claiming that isn't a armaments program.
Rate payer, Derry 16/05/2008 18:03:10
Good Riddance! Let the free market fundamentalists and the Gerry Murrays of this world froth at the mouth, but let this be the beginning of the end of Raytheon globally.Now, let's take the massive state subsidy Raytheon have been getting (out of our taxes) and spend it on some sustainable jobs in Derry. Some co-operative business seed money? a plant for developing computer-based teaching aides for autistic children?a specialist cancer treatment and research centre for the north west of Ireland?
Dublin Diplomatic Conference on Cluster Munitions
Protest March and Festival ‘Make It Happen' Join the Cluster Munition Coalition (CMC) in a protest march calling for an international ban on cluster bombs. Sunday, 25 May 2008, assemble at 12.00noon at the Garden of Remembrance, Parnell Square, Dublin. The march will be followed by a festival of music and poetry featuring performaces from Jinx Lennon, The Shannon Colleens, Aortal, The 7 Deadly Skins and Scream Blue Murmur. Nobel Peace Prize Laureates: ‘No Exceptions. No Delays. No Excuses.'
You can also find further details on http://www.stopclusterbombs.ie/ Email: sscotthayward@amnesty.ie
Can we trust Metrix contactors?
Contractors Gone Wild, Media Gone Missing Source: Mother Jones, May 2, 2008
Bruce Falconer is calling out the mainstream media for ignoring the disturbing testimony that dominated recent U.S. Senate hearings into corruption by private contractors in Iraq. The testimony came from whistleblowers Frank Cassaday, Linda Warren (both former employees of Kellogg Brown and Root) and Barry Halley (who worked in Iraq for Worldwide Network Services, the Sandi Group and CAPE Environmental Management.) They told stories of widespread theft of materials and supplies needed by soldiers, looting Iraqi treasures (in one case melting down Iraqi gold to make cowboy spurs), and a prostitution ring run by the manager of a "major defense contractor," which led to the death of a colleague whose armored car was diverted "to transport prostitutes from Kuwait to Baghdad." Cassaday, Warren and Halley say they were punished and harassed when they tried to alert their companies to these abuses. Aside from Mother Jones, the only news outlet to file a report on their testimony was David Ivanovich of the Houston Chronicle, although a transcript of the hearings is available on the Senate's website.
Defend the Raytheon 9!
The Derry Anti War Coalition is calling on everyone who can to take the morning off work on Monday 19th May and come to the protest outside the Court in Belfast.It has been confirmed that the trial of Derry Anti War Coalition (DAWC) activists, the Raytheon 9, will start on Monday May19th, in the Laganside Courts in Belfast. The Raytheon 9 are charged with criminal damage and affray as a result of the non-violent direct action taken by DAWC on 9th August 2006 at the height of the Israeli assault on Lebanon.There will be a mass protest outside the Court (opposite the Waterfront) from 9.30 to 10.30 on Monday 19th and every Monday morning as long as the trial continues. The DAWC feels we can't ask people to protest on a daily basis, but those who can spare an hour would be very welcome inside the Court to show support. Also, we will be gathering outside the Court every morning at 10.00am and we would be delighted to see anyone who wants to come along for just five minutes, to cheer us on, read a poem, do a piece of street theatre or anything else.
Meanwhile, support for the Raytheon 9 is flooding in from across Britain and Ireland and as far afield as Australia, Venezuela, Argentina and Brazil. The DAWC pamphlet on the Raytheon 9 has been translated into Spanish, which explains the sudden influx of solidarity from Latin AmericaSolidarity actions have taken place or are planned almost everywhere there is a Raytheon plant, but especially in the US.
At the end of April, Raytheon Systems Ltd, (RSL) Glenrothes (Scotland was targeted by activists in solidarity with the Raytheon 9. The Scottish Raytheon plant was blockaded from 6.30 am till 2.45pm when activists, including one who uses a wheelchair, chained themselves to the front gate. One of the Scottish anti-war activists, retired schoolteacher Irene Willis, 63 stated, "The actions of Raytheon Systems Ltd actions should be fully investigated. International Law holds a corporation liable when it knowingly supplies weapons that are used to commit war crimes and crimes against humanity.
Raytheon in Glenrothes manufacture the GPS-aided navigation system and control systems for the Paveway guided "bunker busting" bombs produced in the US and sold to Israel who used them in their war on Lebanon July/Aug 2006. Like people in Derry, we feel we have to oppose their presence here."There will be daily updates on the website during the trial www.raytheon9.org
Anyone who thinks they can help in any way should email resistderry@aol.com. There is a Raytheon 9 support group in Belfast to organise solidarity during the trial. It will try to provide accommodation for travelling supporters. Contact Gordon on 07742531617. For buses from Dublin, contact the IAWM via Sara on 0872886646. For buses from Derry, contact Davy on 07521527208 or Goretti on 07973528772
How accountable is Metrix?

Blackwater unlikely to face charges in Iraq shooting 09 May Blackwater Worldwide, the security contractor mercenaries blamed by an angry Iraqi government for the shooting deaths of 17 civilians, is not expected to face criminal charges -- all but ensuring the company will keep its multimillion-dollar contract to protect U.S. diplomats.
Who will Metrix be offering services to? Who will decide that? Will it be the people of Wales or the people of the Vale of Glamorgan or will they even be consulted..?
Mike Hayle, chief executive of the Metrix consortium (1), 'Our aim is that by 2013 if you travelled anywhere in the world and talked about military training, people would say that St Athan was the only place to go. 'It will genuinely be on the world map. People will come from Australia, the Middle East and other parts of the world to train. No exceptions stated here.
What are the benefits to the MOD of transferring risk to the private sector? Facilities key to defence training The PPP Journal Issue 56 - Thursday, April 12, 2007
Derek Twigg MP, Under Secretary of State for Defence, talks to PSCA International's Matthew D'Arcy (2) about what lies ahead in bringing a new flexible approach to learning through the Defence Training Review. “Partnership with the private sector does give us flexibility, and this is the key point here, to decrease or increase student throughput. The partner will be able to generate third party income from spare capacity and also dispose of surplus capacity. It also allows for a very important part of the role for industry to bring private sector management expertise and the ability to include significant capital investment at this stage. It is really about delivering a modern and flexible learning environment that will be fit for our service personnel of the future.”
(1) http://icwales.icnetwork.co.uk/news/wales-news/tm_method=full&objectid=18626766&siteid=50082-name_page.html
(2) http://www.publicservice.co.uk/feature_story.asp?id=7606&topic=PFI%20and%20partnerships
Raytheon factory posions children in Florida
I wouldn't like to have to live near a Raytheon building - would YOU trust them? Does the St Athans citizens trust them?
Police Surveillance tatics over academy

SIR – The security implications of the Metrix military training academy coming to St Athan in the Vale of Glamorgan have not been admitted by its supporters.
Since personnel and the academy buildings would be potential targets for terrorist attack, high levels of surveillance and security are to be anticipated.
It is, however, a surprise that anti-Metrix campaigners are already being given this treatment.
At the anti-Metrix demonstration in Cardiff on Saturday, the Met’s special surveillance unit from London was openly photographing participants.
People travelling to Llantwit Major for leafleting in the town (announced on the website) were met off the train by half-a- dozen police officers.
A person posting leaflets around the doors in St Athan was followed around by a uniformed policeman.
Phone tapping appears included, judging by a police car waiting in a car park after people arranged by phone to meet there.
As Blair’s support for wars in Iraq and Afghanistan made England a target for terrorist attacks, so did new laws and police surveillance become necessary. Let’s recognise that the Metrix academy would take Wales further into the US military axis and bring military-style surveillance to the Vale of Glamorgan. Max Wallis