
StAthan academy Phase 2 dropped

St Athan Academy Phase 2 Dropped Could the fact "package 2" of the planned St Athan murder academy has been dropped put a spanner in the works of the whole disastrous plan?

...since you ask ...yes sure hope so

It was revealed yesterday that thie lucrative second pahse of the project, which would have brought logistics, photography, language training and administration under the same roof as the military training provided by phase 1, has now been dropped. That part of the scheme was worth up to £5bn and would have seen around 4,500 people trained on the site.
The BBC and the Western Mail are both reporting that everything will go ahead as planned anyway, but this is a significant blow for Metrix, the private consortium behind the academy.
£5bn is over a third of the £14bn we've been told from the start the combined project is worth. I wonder how many of the mythical 5000 jobs the academy is supposed by many to bring to the Vale will be taken out of the equation by this new development?
In related news: Greg Lewis blogged recently about the fact the BBC's Dragon's Eye programme has finally got around to questioning politicains about the clearly bogus number of jobs many politicians are claiming will be "created" by the murder academy. Check out his post if you have time.

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