Sham St Athan Consultation
Latest articles from Shropshire Star at http://www.pcsshropshire.selfip.org/newspage/
‘Outrageous’ tax avoidance by PFIs must stop, says MP
A WELSH MP will bid to change the law today to force firms that build schools, roads and hospitals to pay tax in the UK.more
http://email.icnetwork.co.uk/re?l=bksxz7I38m1qogImViews on St Athan plans sought
WalesOnline - NEW round of public consultations on the multi-billion pound Defence Training Academy at St Athan will be held this month. The Defence Technical Academy ...
The exhibitions at St Athan, Cowbridge and Llantwit are mentioned in the B&DN Press Advert (not in the Gem!) but not the prior event for "Key Stakeholders" on Mon 14 July 18.00-19.30 at St Athan Methodist Church 'Gathering Place', Flemingston Rd.Attached is the report circulated for it and presumably available at the exhibitions (Tues/Wed-St Athan, Thurs-Cowbridge, Fri-Llantwit).Monday's event has a presentation and questions to Metrix, WAG and MoD reps. The organisers Camargue Group Ltd seem flexible
Phone - 0845 618 0016; website still being set up.
Note the name change to Defence Technical Academy, instead of Training - agreed in the last 2 weeks!
Home of the Defence Technical Academy and Aerospace Park – FAQ, June 2008
Where is the proposed site?
MOD St Athan is located in the Vale of Glamorgan close to the village of St Athan. The site is owned by the Welsh Assembly Government and is currently used for a range of MOD training and commercial and aerospace operations. St Athan has always been used to provide training for MOD personnel since it was first acquired by the RAF in 1938 and has been an integral part of the community for more than 70 years.
What will be delivered?
The redevelopment will chiefly consist of a new Defence Technical Academy, with associated housing and facilities, and an Aerospace Business Park.
With a commitment to technological innovation and a dynamic approach to training delivery the Defence Technical Academy will provide training for up to 4,500 students at any one time specialising in aeronautical and electro mechanical engineering, and communications/IT disciplines. The Aerospace Business Park will attract businesses involved in both civilian and military work and will further strengthen the region’s existing track record in aerospace expertise.
Who will deliver the project?
The redevelopment of MOD St Athan brings together a number of parties, primarily Metrix, the Welsh Assembly Government and the MOD.
Raytheon Systems Limited- The Metrix consortium combines the best in technical knowledge, ... The Metrix Solution –Building a World-Class Defence Training Academy ...www.raytheon.co.uk/products/dtr.html - 18k -
In 2007, the Secretary of State for Defence announced that the Metrix Consortium had been selected as the MOD’s Preferred Bidder for the delivery of the Defence Technical Academy. Metrix, a special purpose company that is a 50/50 joint venture between the defence and technology research group QinetiQ and leading British property development and investment company Land Securities Trillium, has extensive experience in delivering projects of this scope and scale. (shhh! don't mention Raytheon arms dealers, Serco?)
The redevelopment of St Athan is being undertaken in partnership with the Welsh Assembly Government, which is promoting the development of the Aerospace Business Park and providing major new infrastructure for the entire development.
Why do we need to redevelop St Athan?
Currently, specialist training in aeronautical, electro mechanical engineering and communication/IT disciplines takes place at nine different sites across the UK producing some of the world’s best trained military personnel. The Metrix vision will see the Defence Technical Academy building on this success by creating a single training facility of international standing.
The Defence Technical Academy will bring training, for each of the services; Army, Royal Navy and Royal Air Force, together in one location for the first time. The benefits of this are considerable and will ensure that UK military personnel continue to receive the very best training available, whilst bringing together each of the services in one location will mean further benefits in terms of efficiency and shared learning.
Furthermore, the existing site, specifically East Camp, is currently under utilised with many of the buildings at the end of their economic life or in need of significant investment.
St Athan is also a strategically important asset with an operational runway and as part of the Welsh Assembly Government’s support programme for the aerospace sector is being developed as an Aerospace Business Park.
What would the Defence Technical Academy look like?
The design and construction of the Technical Academy will be of a high design standard. The former DARA Super Hangar will also be an integral part, ensuring that this recently built facility continues to be used appropriately.
What will the Aerospace Business Park comprise?
Part of the existing airfield site will be redeveloped as an Aerospace Business Park, which will accommodate a number of businesses primarily engaged in commercial and military aerospace activities.
The Aerospace Business Park will complement the training academy as well as becoming a centre for excellence in its own right building upon South Wales’ existing aerospace expertise.
How will the construction process be managed?
A number of measures would be introduced to ensure that any disruption to the local community during construction is kept to a minimum. These include minimising any construction traffic at night and only using specified, pre-agreed routes into the site.
What local employment opportunities will there be?
The Technical Academy will result in the creation of a number of new jobs. The construction phase will also generate further employment opportunities for the local community and the wider Vale of Glamorgan. The Aerospace Business Park has the potential to provide some 2,000 further jobs for the area together with significant training opportunities through local universities, colleges and training providers. Jobs created by the Technical Academy, together with the trainees attending, would result in an annual multi million pound injection into the local/regional economy.
How can businesses become involved with the redevelopment of St Athan?
The St Athan team is already engaged in discussions with a number of local and regional suppliers and would be pleased to hear from any business that feels it has an offering that would be beneficial in the redevelopment of St Athan – see contact details below.
How will traffic be managed?
Improvement works including new accesses and enhancements to Eglwys Brewis Road, St Athan Junction, the B4265 road at Gileston/Old Mill and Waycock Cross roundabout will help ensure the road network is able to cope with any increase in traffic at peak times. Planning applications will include proposals for routing and mitigation measures for construction traffic generated by the development proposals. A Green Travel Plan will also be introduced that that will include a number of measures to reduce car usage, such as encouraging site personnel to use public transport.
How is public transport provision being considered?
A full transport assessment will be undertaken to assess the likely need for any enhancements to the existing public transport network and ensure appropriate provision is made.
What is being done to preserve the local ecology of the site and the surrounding area?
A comprehensive series of measures will be implemented to ensure that the effects on wildlife are minimised and new habitats provided will be of the highest standards. A series of new ponds have already been created and will provide a haven for wildlife and an ideal habitat for the existing population of great crested newts.
What other measures will be taken to minimise environmental impact?
The developers intend to build a high quality development, with appropriate landscaping, in keeping with the character of the location and which will be taken forward, as far as possible, on sustainable development principles. To this end, a comprehensive Environmental Impact Assessment is being undertaken. To help meet energy needs in a sustainable manner, the proposed development will include an Energy Centre incorporating a bio-mass generator that would be fuelled in part by wood chips, reducing carbon emissions for the technical academy by between 30 and 60 per cent per annum. In addition to this, a series of environmental policies will be adopted, with one of the most comprehensive recycling and composting schemes of any modern development. On site water retention will be introduced to control surface run-off and a waste minimisation strategy will see rubble from the demolition phase being re-used as building materials and in the landscaping of the site.
Will new houses be built in St Athan and will new facilities be provided?
Up to 550 houses will be built to provide family accommodation for personnel during their stay. Design will be of a high standard that will complement the local area. A number of potential sites in and around the area are being considered and assessed in terms of their suitability.
Retail, leisure, medical, sports and recreational facilities will be provided for site personnel to ensure that no additional burden is placed on existing services within the community. In addition, it is anticipated that some of these facilities will be made available to the public at certain times.
Do the views of the public really count?
This is a genuine process of consultation and we consider every comment that is made. Comments made during the course of previous consultation exercises have already influenced the emerging plan and we will continue to listen as we move forward together.
What happens next?
Between now and the proposed submission of a planning application in Spring 2009, there will be an ongoing programme of consultation including the distribution of newsletters, a regularly updated web-site, workshops and a series of public exhibitions. The first phase of consultation will take place in July 2008 and will help inform the topics for the workshops that will take place later in the year. If the planning application is approved, and following financial close, construction work could start in early 2010 with completion of the technical academy by 2014.
How can the public get involved?
As well as a series of public exhibitions, there will also be a programme of workshops that will begin later in the year. Dates for the first phase of exhibitions have already been confirmed and these will be used to help identify topics for the workshops. In addition, a dedicated telephone number, e-mail address and freepost address have been set up. These can be used to ask questions, pass on comments or simply raise issues the public feel we need to be aware of. Details as follows:
- Email - enquiries@st-athanconsultation.co.uk
- Phone - 0845 618 0016
- Address - Camargue Group Ltd, Freepost RRKG-AZTG-JLJX,
St Athan Consultation
Eagle Tower,
Montpellier Drive
Cheltenham, GL50 1TA
The Metrix Consortium
St Athan Academy will be a private facility operated by the Metrix Consortium, which is a joint venture company of Land Securities Trillium and Qinetiq, in partnership with other sub-contracting companies: AgustaWestland, City & Guilds, Currie & Brown, Dalkia, EDS, Laing O’Rourke, Nord Anglia, Raytheon, Serco, Sodexho and the Open University. The Metrix business model for maximising its profits at St Athan is to maximise the amount of training it provides, through serving not just the British military but militaries all over the world. “The only winners in the privatisation of defence training,” says Mark Serwotka, General Secretary of the Public and Commercial Services Union, “are the shareholders of the Metrix Consortium.”
More information on EDSEDS coporate incompetanceEDS contract slammed by union chief Mark Serwotka PCS
‘Outrageous’ tax avoidance by PFIs must stop, says MP
A WELSH MP will bid to change the law today to force firms that build schools, roads and hospitals to pay tax in the UK.more
http://email.icnetwork.co.uk/re?l=bksxz7I38m1qogImViews on St Athan plans sought
WalesOnline - NEW round of public consultations on the multi-billion pound Defence Training Academy at St Athan will be held this month. The Defence Technical Academy ...
The exhibitions at St Athan, Cowbridge and Llantwit are mentioned in the B&DN Press Advert (not in the Gem!) but not the prior event for "Key Stakeholders" on Mon 14 July 18.00-19.30 at St Athan Methodist Church 'Gathering Place', Flemingston Rd.Attached is the report circulated for it and presumably available at the exhibitions (Tues/Wed-St Athan, Thurs-Cowbridge, Fri-Llantwit).Monday's event has a presentation and questions to Metrix, WAG and MoD reps. The organisers Camargue Group Ltd seem flexible
Phone - 0845 618 0016; website still being set up.
Note the name change to Defence Technical Academy, instead of Training - agreed in the last 2 weeks!
Home of the Defence Technical Academy and Aerospace Park – FAQ, June 2008
Where is the proposed site?
MOD St Athan is located in the Vale of Glamorgan close to the village of St Athan. The site is owned by the Welsh Assembly Government and is currently used for a range of MOD training and commercial and aerospace operations. St Athan has always been used to provide training for MOD personnel since it was first acquired by the RAF in 1938 and has been an integral part of the community for more than 70 years.
What will be delivered?
The redevelopment will chiefly consist of a new Defence Technical Academy, with associated housing and facilities, and an Aerospace Business Park.
With a commitment to technological innovation and a dynamic approach to training delivery the Defence Technical Academy will provide training for up to 4,500 students at any one time specialising in aeronautical and electro mechanical engineering, and communications/IT disciplines. The Aerospace Business Park will attract businesses involved in both civilian and military work and will further strengthen the region’s existing track record in aerospace expertise.
Who will deliver the project?
The redevelopment of MOD St Athan brings together a number of parties, primarily Metrix, the Welsh Assembly Government and the MOD.
Raytheon Systems Limited- The Metrix consortium combines the best in technical knowledge, ... The Metrix Solution –Building a World-Class Defence Training Academy ...www.raytheon.co.uk/products/dtr.html - 18k -
In 2007, the Secretary of State for Defence announced that the Metrix Consortium had been selected as the MOD’s Preferred Bidder for the delivery of the Defence Technical Academy. Metrix, a special purpose company that is a 50/50 joint venture between the defence and technology research group QinetiQ and leading British property development and investment company Land Securities Trillium, has extensive experience in delivering projects of this scope and scale. (shhh! don't mention Raytheon arms dealers, Serco?)
The redevelopment of St Athan is being undertaken in partnership with the Welsh Assembly Government, which is promoting the development of the Aerospace Business Park and providing major new infrastructure for the entire development.
Why do we need to redevelop St Athan?
Currently, specialist training in aeronautical, electro mechanical engineering and communication/IT disciplines takes place at nine different sites across the UK producing some of the world’s best trained military personnel. The Metrix vision will see the Defence Technical Academy building on this success by creating a single training facility of international standing.
The Defence Technical Academy will bring training, for each of the services; Army, Royal Navy and Royal Air Force, together in one location for the first time. The benefits of this are considerable and will ensure that UK military personnel continue to receive the very best training available, whilst bringing together each of the services in one location will mean further benefits in terms of efficiency and shared learning.
Furthermore, the existing site, specifically East Camp, is currently under utilised with many of the buildings at the end of their economic life or in need of significant investment.
St Athan is also a strategically important asset with an operational runway and as part of the Welsh Assembly Government’s support programme for the aerospace sector is being developed as an Aerospace Business Park.
What would the Defence Technical Academy look like?
The design and construction of the Technical Academy will be of a high design standard. The former DARA Super Hangar will also be an integral part, ensuring that this recently built facility continues to be used appropriately.
What will the Aerospace Business Park comprise?
Part of the existing airfield site will be redeveloped as an Aerospace Business Park, which will accommodate a number of businesses primarily engaged in commercial and military aerospace activities.
The Aerospace Business Park will complement the training academy as well as becoming a centre for excellence in its own right building upon South Wales’ existing aerospace expertise.
How will the construction process be managed?
A number of measures would be introduced to ensure that any disruption to the local community during construction is kept to a minimum. These include minimising any construction traffic at night and only using specified, pre-agreed routes into the site.
What local employment opportunities will there be?
The Technical Academy will result in the creation of a number of new jobs. The construction phase will also generate further employment opportunities for the local community and the wider Vale of Glamorgan. The Aerospace Business Park has the potential to provide some 2,000 further jobs for the area together with significant training opportunities through local universities, colleges and training providers. Jobs created by the Technical Academy, together with the trainees attending, would result in an annual multi million pound injection into the local/regional economy.
How can businesses become involved with the redevelopment of St Athan?
The St Athan team is already engaged in discussions with a number of local and regional suppliers and would be pleased to hear from any business that feels it has an offering that would be beneficial in the redevelopment of St Athan – see contact details below.
How will traffic be managed?
Improvement works including new accesses and enhancements to Eglwys Brewis Road, St Athan Junction, the B4265 road at Gileston/Old Mill and Waycock Cross roundabout will help ensure the road network is able to cope with any increase in traffic at peak times. Planning applications will include proposals for routing and mitigation measures for construction traffic generated by the development proposals. A Green Travel Plan will also be introduced that that will include a number of measures to reduce car usage, such as encouraging site personnel to use public transport.
How is public transport provision being considered?
A full transport assessment will be undertaken to assess the likely need for any enhancements to the existing public transport network and ensure appropriate provision is made.
What is being done to preserve the local ecology of the site and the surrounding area?
A comprehensive series of measures will be implemented to ensure that the effects on wildlife are minimised and new habitats provided will be of the highest standards. A series of new ponds have already been created and will provide a haven for wildlife and an ideal habitat for the existing population of great crested newts.
What other measures will be taken to minimise environmental impact?
The developers intend to build a high quality development, with appropriate landscaping, in keeping with the character of the location and which will be taken forward, as far as possible, on sustainable development principles. To this end, a comprehensive Environmental Impact Assessment is being undertaken. To help meet energy needs in a sustainable manner, the proposed development will include an Energy Centre incorporating a bio-mass generator that would be fuelled in part by wood chips, reducing carbon emissions for the technical academy by between 30 and 60 per cent per annum. In addition to this, a series of environmental policies will be adopted, with one of the most comprehensive recycling and composting schemes of any modern development. On site water retention will be introduced to control surface run-off and a waste minimisation strategy will see rubble from the demolition phase being re-used as building materials and in the landscaping of the site.
Will new houses be built in St Athan and will new facilities be provided?
Up to 550 houses will be built to provide family accommodation for personnel during their stay. Design will be of a high standard that will complement the local area. A number of potential sites in and around the area are being considered and assessed in terms of their suitability.
Retail, leisure, medical, sports and recreational facilities will be provided for site personnel to ensure that no additional burden is placed on existing services within the community. In addition, it is anticipated that some of these facilities will be made available to the public at certain times.
Do the views of the public really count?
This is a genuine process of consultation and we consider every comment that is made. Comments made during the course of previous consultation exercises have already influenced the emerging plan and we will continue to listen as we move forward together.
What happens next?
Between now and the proposed submission of a planning application in Spring 2009, there will be an ongoing programme of consultation including the distribution of newsletters, a regularly updated web-site, workshops and a series of public exhibitions. The first phase of consultation will take place in July 2008 and will help inform the topics for the workshops that will take place later in the year. If the planning application is approved, and following financial close, construction work could start in early 2010 with completion of the technical academy by 2014.
How can the public get involved?
As well as a series of public exhibitions, there will also be a programme of workshops that will begin later in the year. Dates for the first phase of exhibitions have already been confirmed and these will be used to help identify topics for the workshops. In addition, a dedicated telephone number, e-mail address and freepost address have been set up. These can be used to ask questions, pass on comments or simply raise issues the public feel we need to be aware of. Details as follows:
- Email - enquiries@st-athanconsultation.co.uk
- Phone - 0845 618 0016
- Address - Camargue Group Ltd, Freepost RRKG-AZTG-JLJX,
St Athan Consultation
Eagle Tower,
Montpellier Drive
Cheltenham, GL50 1TA
The Metrix Consortium
St Athan Academy will be a private facility operated by the Metrix Consortium, which is a joint venture company of Land Securities Trillium and Qinetiq, in partnership with other sub-contracting companies: AgustaWestland, City & Guilds, Currie & Brown, Dalkia, EDS, Laing O’Rourke, Nord Anglia, Raytheon, Serco, Sodexho and the Open University. The Metrix business model for maximising its profits at St Athan is to maximise the amount of training it provides, through serving not just the British military but militaries all over the world. “The only winners in the privatisation of defence training,” says Mark Serwotka, General Secretary of the Public and Commercial Services Union, “are the shareholders of the Metrix Consortium.”
More information on EDSEDS coporate incompetanceEDS contract slammed by union chief Mark Serwotka PCS
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