The phrase ...we must not allow Wales to become a major cog in the military machine" ....is a dangerous statement, according to Vale MP John Smith (The Gem Sept 18)
The contrary view is that we should not care if Wales is a major cog in UK military operations.
If subject to democratic decision making, the case would be arguable.
But after Tony Blair took us into Bush's war for regime change in Iraq, on a dodgy dossier falsely claiming Iraq had nuclear weapons, it's surely most dangerous to serve as a cog?
The shadow boxing by Chris Franks, in refusing to back up Dafydd Iwan, the president of Plaid, is little better.
The politicians should all now that the Metrix project is both in financial trouble and being criticised as undermining the operational capacity of the UK forces.
That the project has been hit by inflation and the credit crunch has made national news (eg Daily Mail of Sept 12)
According to defence-management .com the Metrix project is undergoing a full blown financial review, because the financing was part of the dodgy deals that lead to the credit crunch
For Johnn Smith and Chris Franks to blindly argue for the £12bn Metrix deal is only excused as they spoke before last week's HBOS meltdown.
Time they realised

Max Wallis
Glamorgan Gem 25th Sept 2008
£12bn St Athan go-ahead - according to leaked memo Wales Online - Politics News 11:08 30-Sep-08
Wales must not be a cog in the war machine - Daily Post North Wales
Barry and St Athan opportunity opens up Wales Online 11:16 27-Sep-08
Barry and St Athan opportunity opens up
Sep 27 2008 by Gerry Holt, South Wales Echo
BARRY and St Athan will play leading roles in the economic future of Wales as part of a major National Assembly blueprint for the development of the country. The blueprint, called the Wales Spatial Plan, covers a wide range of housing, transport and other developments in Wales.
The plan has designated Barry as a “primary key settlement” and St Athan, where the multi-billion- pound defence training academy is to be built, as a “Strategic Opportunity Area.” The designations opens the way to improved road and transport networks, improved housing and a better quality of life for residents. But the council has warned that plans for an international business park at junction 33 of the M4 could cause major traffic problems on the surrounding road network.John Smith, MP for the Vale of Glamorgan said: “We must continue the local campaign to get the National Assembly to provide a good road link to Barry, the Airport and St Athan from the motorway.”
What campaign? A road for mercenaries! Showing his green credentials then!?
Plaid chief opposes St Athan academy Wales Online - Politics News 07:26 6-Sep-08
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