
At Athan PFI on dragons eye and get your MP to sign EDM 872

Military training PFI discussed on dragons Eye
BBC Dragons Eye programme with feature on DTR and interviews with CEO Metrix Charles Barrington and PCS National Officer Paul Bemrose can be viewed at http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b00j8ym0

Ask your MP to sign!

Early Day Motion

EDM 872

Mackinlay, Andrew

That this House does not approve the Government's proposed authorisation of a contingent liability in excess of £250,000 associated with the Defence Training Review set out in the Departmental Minute laid before Parliament on 17 February 2009, for which there is no specific authority; notes that only two copies of the Minute have been provided to the House; further notes that the Minute and the reference to it in the Votes and Proceedings for 23 February 2009 provide no information on which the House can come to a considered view on the proposed liability; and requests the Government to refrain from incurring the liability until approval has been given by a resolution of the House consequent on a thorough examination by the Committee of Public Accounts and the relevant departmental select committee.

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