
Object to Planning application for military college PFI

RECENT NEWS For discussion
St Athan military academy planning application is submitted 12:20pm Friday 15th May 2009
NOTE Susan Dwd from Vale planning tells me that everyoner hasbeen consulted.. the neighbours have been consulted and there are 21 days to file objections from 14th may but they will still take commnets until it has been to planning. Not on agenda yet. objections to
developmentcontrol@vale of glamorgan.gov.uk
Office in charge Steve Ball

1. Development of a Defence Technical College and associated facilities Application 2009/00500/OUT
2. Development at and adjoining the Aerospace Business Park Application 2009/00501/OUT

1. Application is on the Vale of glamorgan website

Development of a Defence Technical College and associated facilities

Application 2009/00500/OUT
Plans to create a £12bn Defence Technical College and Aerospace Business Park at the former RAF airbase have been formally submitted to the Vale of Glamorgan Council.
applicant: The Secretary of State for Defence, Metrix UK
Limited and Sodexo Limited,10, Great George Street,2nd Floor,London.W1P 3AE
received 12 May 2009
"Development of a Defence Technical College and associated facilities and works, including 483 Service Families' Accommodation dwellings, military external and field training areas, the alteration and reconfiguration of St Athan golf course, a hotel, an energy centre, improved parking and servicing facilities for the existing spar shop on Eglwys Brewis Road, the provision of a new access road and other associated highway works and improvements, including a garage for Rose Cottage, and all associated ancillary building, sports, community, ecological mitigation and enhancement, engineering, landscaping, means of enclosure and other works."
"Land at and adjoining MoD St. Athan in the Vale of Glamorgan, extending from the B4265 at Boverton in the west to Castleton Farm, St Athan, in the east, and from north of the runway and north of Castleton Road at St Athan in the south to land at the northern end of the MoD St Athan site at Picketston and up to Flemingston Road, St Athan, in the north; together with land adjoining the B4265 near Gileston and land at Waycock Cross, Barry."

St Athan

Development of a Defence Technical College and associated facilities

Application 2009/00500/OUT


Land at and adjoining MoD St Athan in the Vale of Glamorgan, extending from the B4265 at Boverton in the west to Castleton Farm, St Athan, in the east, and from north of the runway and north of Castleton Road at St Athan in the south to land at the northern end of the MoD St Athan site at Picketston and up to Flemingston Road, St Athan, in the north; together with land adjoining the B4265 near Gileston and land at Waycock Cross, Barry.


Development of a Defence Technical College and associated facilities and works, including 483 Service Families' Accommodation dwellings, military external and field training areas, the alteration and reconfiguration of St Athan golf course, a hotel, an energy centre, improved parking and servicing facilities for the existing spar shop on Eglwys Brewis Road, the provision of a new access road and other associated highway works and improvements, including a garage for Rose Cottage, and all associated ancillary building, sports, community, ecological mitigation and enhancement, engineering, landscaping, means of enclosure and other works.

Documents available

Defence Technical College Masterplans

Masterplan Key Plan.

Picketston Masterplan.

Tremains Farm Masterplan.

Castleton Masterplan.

East Camp Masterplan.

Planning Statement

Planning Statement

Service Families Accommodation Site Plans

Tremains Farm Layout.

North West Camp Layout.

Picketston South West Layout.

Golf Club Layout.

Sustainability and Energy

Sustainability and Energy Statement.

To view full application details including Council contact details, applicant, agent and publicity undertaken, please visit the DTC page on the Online Applications Register.


2. Development at and adjoining the Aerospace Business Park

Application 2009/00501/OUT


Land at and adjoining the Aerospace Business Park at St Athan in the Vale of Glamorgan, extending from land adjacent to the B4265 at Boverton in the west to land adjacent to Cowbridge Road, St Athan in the east, and from the B4265 at Batslays in the south to land north of Boverton Brook in the north; together with land adjoining the B4265 near Gileston and land at Waycock Cross, Barry


Development at and adjoining the Aerospace Business Park, including: the erection of new and replacement buildings, airfield operational facilities and structures; the provision of access roads, hard standings and other infrastructure; security fencing; landscape and ecological works; garage for Rose Cottage; all associated building and engineering works; and related highway improvements.

Documents available

To view full application details including Council contact details, applicant, agent and publicity undertaken, please visit the DTC page on the Online Applications Register.

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