
Huge interchange at Weycocks Cross

Following his rejection of the Airport Access Road (great!) Ieuan Wyn could be persuaded to tell his St Athan team to scrap the crazy extravagant spending on roads (the huge interchange at Weycocks Cross, scaled to fit a new Airport Highway) and substitute a new rail halt at West Camp/Boverton, in the
planning application submitted to the Vale Council.


Airport Road bad news for Metrix

MP criticises airport road decision
WalesOnline - United Kingdom
Vale of Glamorgan MP John Smith said a new road is needed to serve not just the airport, but also the £12bn Defence Technical College planned for St Athan. ...

Dropping our defences? « David Jones, MP
By David Jones
This is what the local MP, John Smith, had to say at last May's Welsh Grand Committee: We must ensure that the infrastructure is right for the people of west Wales and mid-Wales, so that we have easy access to and from the site. ...

Welsh Ramblings: Tory Hypocrites
By Welsh Ramblings
Similarly, the Vale of Glamorgan Labour AM Jane Hutt campaigned against the link road, while Labour MP John Smith was calling for one. Mixed messages from the British parties as usual. A shift of emphasis away from building new roads ...
Welsh Ramblings - http://welshramblings.blogspot.com/

David Jones seems to want it both ways at the same time. For example he quotes Vale of Glamorgan MP John Smith as saying, "If that road is not built, the college will still open ... " but then goes on to say, "The announcement [about the link road] will undoubtedly cause uncertainty over the future of the St Athan project."


Road to METRIX PFI military camp scrapped

Greens' joy as relief road is scrapped

South Wales Argus - ‎43 minutes ago‎
However, the Conservatives attacked the decision not to go ahead with the M4 relief road or a new road to Cardiff Airport. Shadow economy minister David ...

Newport M4 diversion plan abandoned

WalesOnline - ‎2 hours ago‎
Business leaders are expected to be unhappy about the decision to scrap the Gwent Levels motorway, which has been seen as a solution to traffic congestion....

History DEC 07

Can the Vale Cope with Defence Academy project without funds for new roads?

‘Act now on airport road’ – call by the Vale MP

Vale MP, John Smith, is calling for action to ease congestion at Culverhouse Cross and improve roads to Cardiff International Airport and the planned Defence Training Academy at St Athan. Mr Smith said: “While I recognise the need for a long-term solution in the form of a direct link from the M4 to the airport and the Defence Academy, there is need for immediate action. I shall be writing to the Welsh Assembly Government as part of its consultation on improving access to Cardiff International Airport, urging them to examine the possibility of improvements to the present airport access route from junction 33 of the M4 via Culverhouse Cross through north Barry and to the Airport and St Athan. “I believe there is an urgent need for a dedicated route to Barry skirting the western side of Culverhouse Cross. “This would provide vital breathing space while a new long-term solution is built from the M4 to the airport and the Defence Academy,” the MP insisted.

Copyright Tindle Newspapers Ltd 07 December 07


National Transport Plan

15 July 2009

Ieuan Wyn Jones, Deputy First Minister & Minister for the Economy and Transport

I am pleased to present for consultation the National Transport Plan, the Welsh Assembly Government’s first comprehensive plan for delivering an integrated transport system.
Assembly Members will recall that last year I published the Welsh Assembly Government’s first ever Wales Transport Strategy: Connecting the Nation.
The plan which is presented to you today details the action we intend to take in line with that strategy – and it is based on three key principles:
- to meet the demand for enhanced mobility to enable economic growth and to improve the quality of life we seek for the people of Wales.
- to put transport onto a more sustainable and less carbon-intensive path
- and to use transport funding more effectively in light of increasing pressures on public finances
I am very grateful to the Ministerial Advisory Group, led by Richard Parry-Jones, for their advice on the transport network and I have accepted the vast majority of their recommendations.
Transport is a consistent thread that contributes to the success of many Welsh Assembly Government strategies. Newly acquired powers have given us the opportunity to use that thread to weave together the patchwork of transport provision across the nation, from roads to railways, and buses to bicycles.
But there is more we must do. We must work towards a decarbonised transport system, where people are able to choose healthier and more sustainable modes of travel. That is why we are aiming to increase the number of people walking or cycling. In our programme for Sustainable Travel Towns we will invest in new, and link existing, walking and cycling routes. Across the wider network we have plans to increase the provision of bicycle facilities on trains, at stations and in towns and cities.

We must develop our transport system to ensure that it continues to support economic prosperity, especially when we are faced with the global challenges of an economic downturn, like we are now.
This means a transport system that allows people to access services and removes barriers for people seeking jobs, particularly in less prosperous areas.
The Eddington Report stressed the importance of a long-term strategic outlook, which we have in Connecting the nation.
It also points out that investment should concentrate where economic success has concentrated demand, notably around urban areas, at international gateways and on busy inter-urban corridors where congestion, delay and reliability are already real issues.
In addition, we must also add to this our goal of spreading access to economic prosperity across Wales – particularly to the Convergence areas from the North West to the South Wales Valleys. We must ensure that areas and communities which lag behind because they have been hit by the decline of traditional industries can benefit from a resurgent economy.
The National Transport Plan sets out what we will be doing to firmly put us on the path to delivering the Welsh Assembly Government’s vision, over the next five years.
It is set out in a way that reflects the four main movement corridors in Wales – east-west in the north, mid and south, and north-south. As well as proposals that are relevant across Wales.
The proposals for the main corridors share two aims - to improve the reliability, quality and speed of rail and to improve journey times and safety on the main trunk roads
In the North West the plan outlines how we wish to address network and capacity issues on the A55 which will ensure more reliable journey times and help support the Môn a Menai regeneration programme. The work will include capacity for walkers and cyclists.
In the North East we will identify the most appropriate and sustainable transport solutions to deal with the pressures in the area between Wrexham Chester and Deeside.
Our programme of continued improvements to the North/South rail services will also improve east/west rail journeys in this region. We are committed to develop plans to enhance the capacity of the section of rail between Shrewsbury and Chester via Wrexham – enabling all north-South services to be routed through Wrexham.
Our aim in terms of North/South links is to increase dramatically the proportion of journeys that are made by public transport through improving rail travel and the TrawsCambria bus network. Over time we will see a better service, covering more communities in greater comfort.
Across Wales we have plans that will bring to an end the need for different tickets for different bus and rail journeys in Wales. A Welsh Transport Entitlement Card will offer people the ability to have one ticket for their journey.
In terms of North/South road links I have outlined my priorities in the trunk road programme – with improvements being made to the A470, the A487 and the A483 and the completion of the Ceredigion link road.
We are also examining opportunities for using “2 plus 1” lanes and passing lanes to improve North/South journey times, reliability and safety for cars, public transport, walkers and cyclists.
Improving connectivity in Mid Wales, including east/west links, is an important factor if we are to enhance the vibrancy of towns and villages in these rural areas.
Work will be complete next year to enhance the Cambrian Lines by providing additional passing loops. This will allow us to introduce hourly services between Aberystwyth and Shrewsbury. We will also develop plans to introduce additional services on the Heart of Wales line.
Many of the improvements to the main road arteries in Mid Wales were outlined in the trunk road programme but we will also work with the UK Government to deliver the intervention identified for the A458.

In terms of East/ West rail links in South Wales we are working with the UK Government and the rail industry to improve rail services, particularly the Great Western Mail Line between Swansea and London with the ultimate goal of securing the electrification of the line as part of a high speed rail network,
The Transport plan commits to increasing the capacity of the Valley Lines – with additional platforms, carriages and services. This is in addition to the £3.2 million we are contributing to the new park and ride spaces along the South Wales rail routes. We also intend to integrate the development of cycle routes through the South-East valleys.

In Newport we will complete both the redevelopment of the rail station and the improvement to Gaer junction to enable direct rail services between Ebbw Vale and Newport by 2011 – a crucial development for the Heads of the Valleys regeneration scheme.
Further West we will redouble the railway line between Gowerton and Lougher.
On the South Wales road network we will complete improvements to the A465 Heads of the Valleys road by 2020 adhering to the exact timetable I inherited. We will also start a programme of works to reduce journey times on the A40 and the A477. We will also fund the completion of the Port Talbot Peripheral Distributor Road to reduce congestion on the M4 and the Church Village by-pass.
As members know the Welsh Assembly Government wants to improve access to Cardiff airport. We have consulted on a number of potential schemes. Following a study on potential routes to the Airport which highlighted the limited economic benefits to the Airport itself, when compared to the cost of the scheme, and concerns around the environmental impact I am announcing we will not be taking forward these proposals. Instead we will invest in improvements to the A4226 Five Mile Lane which will help ease traffic movement at Weycock Cross and will improve the safety of the road.
I can also announce that we will improve public transport access to Cardiff Airport, by creating more frequent bus and train services connecting the airport and Cardiff – as well as providing more convenient and regular trains between Bridgend and Barry.
The National Transport Plan sets out how we will resolve issues of capacity, safety and resilience along the M4 corridor in south-east Wales.
In 2004 the Wales Spatial Plan identified the need to increase transport capacity along the M4 corridor. Subsequently the New M4 scheme was included in the trunk road forward programme. The estimated cost of the scheme at that time was £340 million and the intention was that it would be taken forward as a public-private partnership, built with private finance which would be recovered through tolling.
Today, the cost of constructing the new M4 scheme with VAT and potential inflaction is estimated to be in the region of 1 billion pounds which means that the project has become unaffordable. The business case demonstrates that tolling the new M4, whilst other routes remain free to use, would significantly reduce the economic, environmental and social benefits of the project. Tolling of the new M4 alone would not raise the funds necessary for the scheme, and tolling both roads, in addition to the toll on the Severn crossings, would damage the attractiveness of South Wales for investment. We have therefore decided that other methods of addressing the safety and capacity issues on the existing route and other routes parallel with it represent better value for money and we will not to be implementing the Relief Road scheme.

We do however accept the need to urgently address safety and capacity issues on the existing route and today I can announce that this work will be accelerated. Over the next two years we will seek to introduce a range of measures which will include:
  • New rail facilities and stations within the Newport area and the introduction of Park and Ride sites throughout south-east Wales.
  • Improvements and modifications to motorway junctions to ease the movement of local traffic whilst ensuring long-distance traffic flows freely.
  • Enhancements and improvements to the local road network, combined with a focus on local travel planning
Through these measures we will seek to tackle congestion around the Tredegar Park area and reduce the traffic flows through the Brynglas Tunnels. We will also explore making considerable improvements to the steelworks access road and the Southern Distributor Road. In terms of improving safety, we will install concrete central reserve barriers and introduce a controlled motorway infrastructure between junctions 24 and 29.
My message to businesses and the wider community is that this Government is committed to reducing congestion, restoring capacity and reliability to this absolutely vital East/West corridor. And today we are pledging to do so in a way which is financially and environmentally sustainable as well as improving the resilience of the road with urgency.
Transport plays a crucial role in uniting our country and ensuring economic prosperity but we must get the balance right. We are no longer just being warned about climate change – we are starting to experience the impact. And the period of economic growth that many of us have enjoyed has ended with a jolt that we have all felt.
It is therefore important to be measured in our response.
This sustainable, integrated transport plan will contribute to economic recovery; it will help people get to jobs and access services and facilities where they might have struggled without a car.
The Plan will also help us to deliver our contribution to the environment, particularly our targets for emissions reductions and create a sustainable, integrated transport system fit for 21st century Wales.

Bilingual copies of the National Transport Plan
<> <>


John Smith MP dodgy poll on airport road

Support NEVAR No Ely Valley Airport Road -

John Smith is promoting this road to the airport for the benefit of the proposed military college PFI
- Ieuan W-Jones promised July announcement keeps getting delayed -
perhaps the WAG are wating for the recess to sneak it through without debate.

I have been told..that

John Smith is persisting in interfering in Assembly business by running his own web poll on
This is not a matter for which John Smith has any mandate to interfere, the Welsh Assembly Government has already spent 2 million pounds of tax-payers' money on a 'Public Consultation' exercise to determine the level of public support for the road, which is supposed to be for "Airport Access", and John Smith has conspicuously failed to notify his own constituents in affected areas of the existence of this poll.

As far as we know the vote is still open, but we are suspicious that it has been rigged. Every time the 'NO' vote reached 54% there was a suspiciously sudden leap in the 'YES' votes as if to balance the figures, and since this morning, when the 'NO' vote had reached 66% overnight (we do have supporters on every continent!) it is denying access. Somebody did comment that we should warn Smith about repetitive strain injury in his delicate state of health. Perhaps he just pulled the pin in exasperation.

I can't get on to the poll -can you?

About the campaign against the airport road..

No Ely Valley Airport Road (NEVAR)[1] is a group of residents, from Pendoylan and Peterston-super-Ely, that was established at a public meeting called by the Community Council and held in Pendoylan War Memorial Hall on 29 July 2008. Their remit is the co-ordination of opposition to the creation of any new link road between junction 34 of the M4 motorway and the A48 likely to disturb the rural character of the Vale. This includes all three options outlined as ‘Corridor C’ in the Ove Arup Report published in 2008.

A beautiful stretch of the River Ely runs south, then east from near Junction 34 of the M4 motorway. It separates the communities of Pendoylan to the east and Peterston-super-Ely to the west and its banks constitute Sites of Special Scientific Interest. Pendoylan and Peterston both contain Conservation Areas, part of whose defined qualities include uninterrupted views of unspoiled rural landscape.

The Welsh Assembly Government is proposing a major new trunk road that would run south from junction 34 to Sycamore Cross on the A48 road as one of three possible corridors for improving access to Cardiff International Airport. The proposed road would cut a swathe through the middle of the parish of Pendoylan, being three lanes wide and running on embankments up to 8m (26’) high in the valley and in cuttings in the hillside. It is expected to increase the traffic six-fold from the current 2,000 vehicles per day.


Metrix money pit - WAG find £12.5M

Qinetiq consortium denies £1.3bn hole
By Jeremy Lemer
Published: July 5 2009 22:41

The consortium behind a £12bn training programme for the military, one of Britain’s largest private finance initiatives, has denied that there is a £1.3bn hole in the project’s funding.

According to a Ministry of Defence memo leaked to Mark Pritchard, Conservative MP for The Wrekin, crisis talks were held at the department last month to discuss a plan to centralise technical training in Wales.

“Currently there is a £1.3bn affordability issue in the programme; the problem is borrowing money at a reasonable rate for PFIs,” the memo says.

But Metrix, the Qinetiq-led consortium behind the scheme, said the affordability issues had been resolved and separate negotiations with banks were at an early stage.

Since it was awarded in January 2007, the 25-year programme (privatise military training)
to concentrate specialist engineering and IT training at St Athan in the Vale of Glamorgan has been repeatedly delayed and much criticised.

The MoD has admitted that agreeing an affordable contract has been more
difficult than expected.

Meanwhile, the credit crunch has taken its toll. Last year turmoil in the
debt markets forced Metrix to drop plans for a £1bn bond issue.

Both sides insist that the ambitious project remains on track and the final
decision on whether to go ahead will be pushed back until after the summer
parliamentary recess.

The delay would “allow further analysis ... in order to ensure best value
for money”, the MoD said.

Government has offered Metrix an additional £44m of state guarantees – in effect promising to pay for preparatory work even if it scraps the deal.

Metrix has called its “fallback” plan “part of good project governance”.

So far the MoD has offered almost £100m of guarantees to Metrix.

Metrix said the guarantees gave it the “confidence” to move ahead with vital
preparations for construction and training, and would allow building to
start in the autumn of 2010.

Copyright The Financial Times Limited 2009
An MoD spokesperson:

Underwriting the cost of this project is sensible and prudent
business practice and is focused on risk reduction activity.

Rosalind Britton-Elliott

Press Officer - Policy Desk
Ministry of Defence

T: 020 7218 5903


It is normal practice, when a Government Department proposes
undertake a contingent liability in excess of £250,000 for
there is no specific statutory authority, for the
concerned to present to Parliament a Minute giving
of the liability created and explaining the
circumstances; and
to refrain from incurring the liability
until fourteen
Parliamentary sitting days after the issue
of the Minute, except in cases of special urgency.

The Defence Training Review Package 1 Project is a large
complex Private Finance Initiative project, with the
Metrix Consortium
as Preferred Bidder. It seeks to transform
the way the Ministry of
Defence (MOD) delivers specialist
engineering and communications and

information systems training on a Defence wide basis to support
the future needs of the Armed Forces.

In January 2008 and February 2009, Departmental Minutes
were laid
before Parliament outlining an initial contingent
liability for the
underwriting of elements of Pre-Contract activity
with Metrix. These
existing Pre-Contract Agreement Letters
PCAL1 and PCAL1a),
underwrite risk reduction activity up to a
maximum value of £49.9M.

At the time this was considered sufficient to carry the
project to the
main investment decision point, however,
whilst PCAL1 and PCAL1a achieved

their strategic objectives in generating the momentum
necessary to
establish an affordable and acceptable
programme, further risk

reduction activity is necessary to mature the deal and
maintain the
mobilisation of Metrix resources to ensure
the most effective
programme to the point at which
the Contract is let.

In order to maintain this momentum another,
further, package of risk reduction activity (PCAL2)
valued at £43.793M is proposed.
work is predominantly focused around the design and
planning of the
estate solution at St Athan, and further
development of the training
Undertaking these activities ahead of the main investment
will enable Metrix to start construction at St Athan on
time in August
2010. Further development of the training
solution will build
customer confidence in the training solution,
allowing quicker and
more efficient drawdown of military
manpower after Financial Close.

The costs of these risk reduction activities are to be recovered
through the tendered contract and are already captured within
Metrix price. Provided that the Programme reaches
Financial Close,
the costs will be paid from within the
planned budget at no
additional charge to MoD.
The MoD will only become liable to

reimburse the underwritten value of these costs if there
is a
failure to achieve Financial Close for a reason not
to Metrix. This commitment will be subject to a
clear Limit of
Liability, in total and by specific activity area,
with any
reimbursement of costs subject to
verification of actual costs incurred supported by open book
provisions. Initial commitment will cover a 3 month period and be
subject to a reduced Limit of Liability. Although subject to
negotiation, this initial limit is expected to be no more than
15M reflecting the rate of resource consumption required to
planned activities in this period. Should this
liability be called,
provision for any payment will be sought
through the normal
Supply procedure.

There is also a requirement for MOD to deliver a clear site at St Athan
before construction work can begin.
The Welsh Assembly Government

(WAG) have agreed to fund clearance of the site,
with a pre-Financial
Close maximum expenditure
of £12.5M. WAG is, however, unwilling to

start work prior to Financial Close unless this
work is underwritten by

MOD lest the Defence TrainingCollege
fails to reach Financial Close.

The Treasury has approved the proposal in principle. If,
during the
period of fourteen Parliamentary sitting days
beginning on the date on
which this Minute was laid before
Parliament, a Member signifies an
objection by giving notice
of a Parliamentary Question or by otherwise
the matter in Parliament,
final approval to proceed with
incurring the liability will be
withheld pending an examination of the


Councillor expresses concern over defence college noise levels

Councillor expresses concern over defence college noise levels

Friday, 26 June 2009

A FLEMINGSTON councillor is questioning the small print of plans for the military training complex at St Athan – and says that noise levels could be a major problem.
The Vale Council is currently considering the extensive planning application for the Defence Training College (DTC), and the public are being invited to express their views.
Coun Roger Eustace told The GEM: “There has been much local support for the DTC, but the previous public consultations and exhibitions made little mention of the type of military training – which was always presented as low level.
“The goalposts have now changed.”

Coun Eustace can see problems ahead from a number of areas, with noise a major concern.
He said: “There will be a significant adverse impact upon the local communities from military activities, which include engine running, tank pad and road from 2014, flightline with up to three military jet aircraft training on northern cross runway for up to four hours per day (Monday to Friday), Picketston firing range and Picketston field training area.”
He said: “Section 16.15 of the application confirms that the significant detrimental noise levels from the engine running will affect properties to the south of Boverton; and ground noise sources from core activities will affect properties to the west of Llantwit Road (Briarbank) and Boverton Mill Farm in 2014 and 2020.
“There will be a significant increase in road traffic noise due to additional development-related traffic on existing and new roads, and the cumulative effect of ambient noise levels due to change in airfield uses, field training and road traffic will affect Broadway Nursing Home and other areas.”
Coun Eustace is concerned that Picketston Firing Range (document 16, pages 93 – 96) will be in use most of day from 8.30am – 4.30pm, with eight lanes that could be in use at any one time, with 40-minute sessions using 40 rounds on each lane.
There is an existing firing range, but at present it is used quite sparingly. However, when the defence college is running to capacity, there will be a big increase. The nearest properties are in the New Barn Road area.
He said: “There will also be firing during the hours of darkness, but sessions will be less frequent and involve 10 rounds on each lane. Where possible, firing will cease before 11pm.

“The range will also be used for armament testing, including 5.56mm minigun and the larger calibre general purpose machine gun. These will be used two or three times a month for half a day, and would typically comprise four or five bursts per weapon”
He continued: “A typical training day at Picketston Field Training Area (document 16, pages 96-97) will be 8.30am – 5.30pm, but blank firing of weapons will also arise outside these hours, and would be undertaken before 11pm, where possible.
“The area will mainly be used for ambush training comprising noisy initial demonstrations followed by a few hours of dry drills. Typically, there will be eight demonstrations per day consisting of two Land Rovers being ambushed by one or two thunder flashes, with possibly blank small arms fire from SA80 rifles up to 30 rounds
“Acoustic fencing and bunding will be installed, but there will still be a medium to high magnitude effect on neighbouring properties.”
Coun Eustace concluded: “This extension of activities must be resisted for the sake of the local communities. The public consultation ends soon and I urge residents to register their views with the Vale Council through community or town councils.”

Minigun - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Crucial to write to the papers so email for example Shropshire Star covers Cosford
StarMail – Letters to the Editor: starmail@shropshirestar.co.uk

Express and Star
Letters to the Editor for publication: letters@expressandstar.co.uk

Western Mail max 150 words

NEW ACTION WEBSITE Sain Tathan Action Group (S.T.A.G.)

In Planet magazine there is an email exchange between Stephen Thomas (Director of the Welsh Centre for International Affairs) and Sara Koopman, an academic who is an activist with the School of the Americas Watch, they exchange their experiences of campaigning against St Athan and School of the Amer...icas.

Campaign Objections to defence technical college here

State underwrites UK defence’s PFI project
By Alex Barker, Political Correspondent

Published: February 25 2009 02:19 | Last updated: February 25 2009 02:19

Ministers have quietly offered contractors bigger state guarantees as a means of rescuing the £12bn ($17bn) private finance project to centralise the military’s training, the Financial Times has learnt.

Under the deal, taxpayers will underwrite a further £32m of risk in order to push through the Defence Training Review, the UK’s biggest private finance initiative.

credit crisis derails 12bn mod project
How much will the academy cost?

Credit crisis squeezes defence training
Potential risk to front line here

Private armies will train at St Athan
do you want Blackwater here

Stuart Tannock discusses the disturbing
of theMinistry of Defence's
new multi-billion pound
training academy.
Private Armies
whatdotheyknow for freedom of Information information
Campaign goes to Open University @ Milton Keynes here

See the Private Eye articles ...AMs in danger of making total fools of themselves!
here. The price is frightful
here. Metrix reloaded
how PFI deals such as the DTR used to hide roughly £200bn of future spending in order to balance the books. here.
Top brassed off
Minstry of Defence’s concerns over it’s own plans to privatise defence training at an academy in South Wales
Potential Risk to the Front Line miscalulation
Defence Training Review Over Budget
Potential Risk to the Front Line miscalulation
Defence Training Review Over Budget

See OU society matters article here
Metrix shambles and OU here
Should the OU be involved in the ARMS TRADE? here OU
OU partnerships with armed forces? here
Daily Mail
- controversial £11bn contract to provide training to
Britain's armed forces is in danger of collapsing as a result of the credit crunch.here Plaid chief opposes St Athan Academy 6-Sep-08 here Wales must not be a cog in the war machine - Daily Post..here  ‘St Athan jobs dwindle while the costs rise’ here
The new Defence Technical Academy  
 Building the Defence Technical Academy
pdf or here
WAG and Metrix sham consultation here

PFI The crunch has come, credibility has gone and the cupboard is bare guardian - 26 Jul 2008

Raytheon want to use training as a means of expansion and arms sales. here

Ban cluster bombs here
Close the US Army School of the Americas

MORE about the campaign

facebook or www.cynefinywerin.org.uk and see also

instructional officers website
No2military academy

No2 O.U. workng with arms companies
Open University loves Arms Dealers
The Fellowship of Reconciliation in Wales,

War is Just a Racket: Take a Stand; Dismantle the War Machine; Demilitarize the World! here
EDO's Campaign - EDO have contracts with the UK Ministry of 'Defence' and US arms giant Raytheon relating to the release mechanisms of the Paveway bomb system
Lobbying transparency
Fit watch
Give evidence on lack of human rights & OTT policing here
The Five Secret Billion-Dollar Companies Sucking Obscene Amounts of Taxpayer Money By Nick Turse, Tomdispatch.com

Meet the mystery defense contractors that are raking in billions in taxpayer dollars without notice. Read more »
"We recommend that people throughout the world launch nonviolent actions against US and UK corporations that directly profit from this war” - 7th Recommendation of the World Tribunal on Iraq, June 2005; http://www.worldtribunal.org/

Action Pictures

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Qinetiq War Profiteers

The Pentagon's Revolving Door
The privatisation of the UK's QinetiQ was undermined by "profiteering" on the part of its management…Parliamentary committee censures QinetiQ privatisation Jane's -
QinetiQ deal 'lost taxpayer £90m' The Press Association

Qinetiq and MoD hit back at MP's dishonesty claims on 2003 ... Independent
MPs attack QinetiQ chiefs Telegraph.co.uk
Big risks, big rewards http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2008/jun/10/qinetiqgroup.labour
BBC News MPs slate Qinetiq privatisation
The Ministry of Defence behaved like "an innocent at a table of card-sharps" when it arranged the sale of its QinetiQ research arm, a committee of MPs has said.

Epolitix News - http://www.ePolitix.com
Points of disorder
No risk, big rewards The Observer – UK
Defence company's privatisation attacked by MPs Portsmouth News
QinetiQ refutes accusations made in Public Accounts Committee report...Taxpayer "lost" £90m on QinetiQ sell-off
Qinetiq privatisation slammed Public Private Finance - London,UK

QinetiQ: Sold down the river by incompetent agents By Mark Wallace
MoD slammed over QinetiQ sale

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What are the 'benefits' to the MOD of transferring risk to the private sector?

Derek Twigg MP, Under Secretary of State for Defence, talks to PSCA International's Matthew D'Arcy about what lies ahead in bringing a new flexible approach to learning through the Defence Training Review. “Partnership with the private sector does give us flexibility, and this is the key point here, to decrease or increase student throughput. The partner will be able to generate third party income from spare capacity and also dispose of surplus capacity. It also allows for a very important part of the role for industry to bring private sector management expertise and the ability to include significant capital investment at this stage. It is really about delivering a modern and flexible learning environment that will be fit for our service personnel of the future.”
Facilities key to defence trainingThe PPP Journal Issue 56 - Thursday, April 12, 2007

Raytheon News

Raytheon Raytheon Tucson is a pretty awful place to work. If you're thinking about working there, you should think long and hard before you accept the offer. ...
Raytheon Says 12 Private Wells Are Polluted
Raytheon: Plume Is No ThreatTampa Tribune - USA.. environmental experts from Raytheon told a crowd of about 700 people in St. Petersburg on Friday that a toxic plume of chemicals that ...

Rhodri Morgan should be ashamed of himself for supporting raytheon with no supporting evidence

What is Metrix? News

Metrix Consortium - arms dealers - unethical - unenvironmentral -
Metrix is a consortium provided by a private consortium of arms companies and educational bodies is made up of AgustaWestland, City andGuilds, Dalkia, EDS, Laing O'Rourke, Land Securities Trillium, Nord Anglia Education, The Open University, QinetiQ, Raytheon, Serco & Sodexho.
Metrix chief exec says: ‘Please be patient about defence academy details’ Cowbridge Today

Metrix spin May 2008

EDS coporate incompetance
EDS contract slammed by union chief Mark Serwotka PCS

Land Securities

Tech Info on Lockheed-Martin's Cluster Bombs

Raytheon in Derry
Support the Raytheon 9
Raytheon by Corp WatchThe threat of private military companies...Raytheon
Raytheon Warrior Training Alliance
Raytheon: http://www.landmine.de/en.titel/en.search.output/index.html?entry=en.news.06fd93b824420000 Military contractor Raytheon deleting information on them spying on their competitors and the U.S. Air Force;

Serco & Labour Lord Filkin, labour Baroness Margaret FordSerco can't even run a play scheme

Sodexho = Low Paid Low Skill Jobs

QinetiQ Expenses serve up QinetiQ row
Qinetiq PPP & Cluster bombs
Qinetiq US Businesses
Rivals slam £16bn Qinetiq contract This is Money
QinetiQ, the War Profiteer Welsh Politicians Love to Love

Campaign against Cluster Bombs

http://www.landmine.de/en.titel/en.search.output/index.html?entry=en.news.0c661a5b539a0000General Dynamics, Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman and Raytheon all produce cluster munitions or their components, according to Human Rights Watch.Download Corporate Mercenaries [pdf]: War on Want's report on PMSCs - Private Military and Security Companies - Corporate Mercenaries: The threat of private military and security companies…..Northrop Grumman and Raytheon are major arms contractors also selling PMSC services. Dirty Dozen Cluster Munitions

Tech Info on Lockheed-Martin's Cluster Bombs

Windfalls of war

Corporate Mercenaries

Amnesty International, Private Military and Security Contractors.

Ending Contractor Impunity see here
The Center for Public Integrity, The Windfalls of War.
Global Policy Forum. “State Sovereignty and Private Security Companies” webpage with documents, analyses, articles and links. Available here
Human Rights Watch, Private Military Contractors and the Law. See here
International Committee of the Red Cross, Privatisation of War section. See here
Private Military Companies. See here
War on Want, Getting Away with Murder. See here
Sourcewatch. See here

UN Working Group on the Use of Mercenaries as a Means of Violating Human Rights and Impeding the Exercise of the Right of Peoples to Self-determination. See here
Top Pentagon Contractors, FY 2006:Major Beneficiaries of the Bush Administration’s Military Buildup

BBC News 24 - Part of Base Training Bid Dropped
BBC News 24 Video Clip - Part of Base Training Bid Axed

BBC News 24 Video Clip - Bases Take Over from Deepcut

Metrix News

20th June Military transfer 'delay' worry 20/06/08
St Athan move ‘may take eight years’ 21/06/08
Metrix spokesman says that St Athan training regi 30/-5/08

Campaign Against St Athan

No2 Ratheon Training our Kids

No2 Ratheon Training our Kids

Welsh affairs committee welcomes St Athans fiasco!


Vale of Glamorgan cllrs

The Welsh Affairs Committee Members are:
Dr Hywel Francis MP, (Chairman) Labour, Aberavon
Mr Stephen Crabb MP
, Conservative, Preseli Pembrokeshire
David T. C. Davies MP
, Conservative, Monmouth
Nia Griffith MP
, Labour, Llanelli
Mrs Siân C. James MP
, Labour, Swansea East
Mr David Jones MP
, Conservative, Clwyd West
Mr Martyn Jones MP
, Labour, Clwyd South
Jessica Morden MP,
Labour, Newport East
Albert Owen MP
, Labour, Ynys Môn
Mark Williams MP
, Liberal Democrat, Ceredigion
Hywel Williams MP
, Plaid, Caernarfon

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Welsh affairs committee welcomes St Athans fiasco!

AMs on St Athan

Enterprise, Innovation and Networks Committee June 2006 Report from the Minister for Enterprise, Innovation and Networks - St Athan

Cluster Bombs and Raytheon

News: Officials: Hundreds of Iraqis Killed By Faulty Grenades ..failure rates as high as 40 percent. Hundreds and possibly thousands of Iraqi civilians have been killed or maimed by outdated, defective U.S. cluster weapons that lack a safety feature other countries have added, according to observers, news reports and officials……… Britain, which joined the USA in the fight to oust Saddam Hussein, fired 2,000 artillery cluster weapons in the war. All were equipped with Israeli-made grenades with secondary fuses and a 2 percent dud rate, the British Defense Ministry said…….. "The funding for R and D [research and development] in the Army was minimal, and fusing was the last on the list," said Bruce Mueller, a former Army lieutenant colonel who managed the fuse program for defense contractor Raytheon. "They develop weapons, then they develop munitions, and after they develop munitions, the last thing they worry about is how to fuse them."

Raytheon. The company makes the guidance systems for many of the missiles that are sold to Israel and that caused so much civilian death in the conflict, including the 51 people crushed to death in a bunker in Qana.

Cluster Munition Coalition News Bulletin

48 Nations Gather to Fight Cluster Bombs
Explosive Investments Financial Institutions and Cluster Munitions Briefing Paper by Netwerk Vlaanderen February 2007 “Explosive Investments” by Belgian advocacy group Netwerk Vlaanderen
'Circle of impact', report on cluster submunitions New report calls for ban on cluster munitions and for assistance to civilians May 2007
Cluster Bombs, Landmines,Nuclear Weapons and Depleted Uranium WeaponsA report on the financial links between banks and the producers of controversial weapon systems april 2004
The Cluster bomb feeling documentary on investment of Dutch pension fund in arms industry
Banking Secretsdocumentary on investments of Dutch banks in arms industry and other dodgy projects.

Cluster bombs – Skeet warhead - The BLU-108 is capable of integration into a number of weapon systems:

  • BQM-109 Tomahawk, Raytheon Systems
  • SM-2 Land Attack STANDARD Missile, Raytheon Systems
  • MGM-140 Army Tactical Missile System (ATACMS). Lockheed Martin
  • AGM-84H Standoff Land Attack Missile - Expanded Response (SLAMER), Boeing
  • AGM-158 Joint Air-to-Surface Standoff Missile (JASSM), Lockheed Martin
The mysterious case of the disappearing cluster bombs
(News/Arms Industry) ...t Industries, MBDA, Rhienmetall, RUAG, SAAB, Denel, General Dynamics, L-3 Communications, Northrop Grumman, Raytheon and Textron) to discreetly flog you the whole thing.
Who calls the shots?

Download Corporate Mercenaries [pdf]: War on Want's report on PMSCs - Private Military and Security Companies - Corporate Mercenaries: The threat of private military and security companies…..Northrop Grumman and Raytheon are major arms contractors also selling PMSC services.

Clusterbombs - On April 1st an undetermined number of BLU-97/B submunitions hit Hilla, with reports claiming that at least 33 civilians were dead and around 300 injured.

America Cluster Bombs Iraq - UN Security Council - Global Policy Forum The missile is described by the Navy, its primary developer, and Raytheon Systems, its manufacturer, as a long-range glide bomb. Acting Pentagon spokesman ...
www.globalpolicy.org/security/issues/iraq/2001/0226cstr.htm - 14k -

Dozens of Iraqi dead after cluster bomb attack in Hilla Amnesty International has condemned the Hilla bombing and the US use of cluster bombs, saying that the use of cluster bombs against a civilian area of Hilla ...
www.ccmep.org/2003_articles/Iraq/040403_dozens_of_iraqi_dead_after_clust.htm - 14k -

Cluster bombs liberate Iraqi children - World Notes - civilian .. AMMAN, Jordan -- The Asia Times reported the first description of the cluster bomb attack in the Iraq town of Hilla on April 2 and 3, but as the Times ...
findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m0MKY/is_7_27/ai_111026129 - 27k -

The use of cluster bombs Human Rights Watch "U.S. Use of Clusters in Baghdad Condemned" 16 April 2003) The cluster bombs that were used in Hilla were identified by Landmine Action, ...
www.informationclearinghouse.info/article3463.htm - 31k -

Hilla Cluster Bombs

Cost of the War in Iraq
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