
John Smith MP dodgy poll on airport road

Support NEVAR No Ely Valley Airport Road -

John Smith is promoting this road to the airport for the benefit of the proposed military college PFI
- Ieuan W-Jones promised July announcement keeps getting delayed -
perhaps the WAG are wating for the recess to sneak it through without debate.

I have been told..that

John Smith is persisting in interfering in Assembly business by running his own web poll on
This is not a matter for which John Smith has any mandate to interfere, the Welsh Assembly Government has already spent 2 million pounds of tax-payers' money on a 'Public Consultation' exercise to determine the level of public support for the road, which is supposed to be for "Airport Access", and John Smith has conspicuously failed to notify his own constituents in affected areas of the existence of this poll.

As far as we know the vote is still open, but we are suspicious that it has been rigged. Every time the 'NO' vote reached 54% there was a suspiciously sudden leap in the 'YES' votes as if to balance the figures, and since this morning, when the 'NO' vote had reached 66% overnight (we do have supporters on every continent!) it is denying access. Somebody did comment that we should warn Smith about repetitive strain injury in his delicate state of health. Perhaps he just pulled the pin in exasperation.

I can't get on to the poll -can you?

About the campaign against the airport road..

No Ely Valley Airport Road (NEVAR)[1] is a group of residents, from Pendoylan and Peterston-super-Ely, that was established at a public meeting called by the Community Council and held in Pendoylan War Memorial Hall on 29 July 2008. Their remit is the co-ordination of opposition to the creation of any new link road between junction 34 of the M4 motorway and the A48 likely to disturb the rural character of the Vale. This includes all three options outlined as ‘Corridor C’ in the Ove Arup Report published in 2008.

A beautiful stretch of the River Ely runs south, then east from near Junction 34 of the M4 motorway. It separates the communities of Pendoylan to the east and Peterston-super-Ely to the west and its banks constitute Sites of Special Scientific Interest. Pendoylan and Peterston both contain Conservation Areas, part of whose defined qualities include uninterrupted views of unspoiled rural landscape.

The Welsh Assembly Government is proposing a major new trunk road that would run south from junction 34 to Sycamore Cross on the A48 road as one of three possible corridors for improving access to Cardiff International Airport. The proposed road would cut a swathe through the middle of the parish of Pendoylan, being three lanes wide and running on embankments up to 8m (26’) high in the valley and in cuttings in the hillside. It is expected to increase the traffic six-fold from the current 2,000 vehicles per day.

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