
DYNCORP to replace Blackwater assassins

Bush rehires DynCorp's child rapists to replace Blackwater's assassins: Blackwater likely to be phased out of diplomatic duty 20 Oct 2007 Troubled military contractor Blackwater USA is likely to be eased out of its role of guarding U.S. diplomats in Iraq in the aftermath of a shooting last month that left 17 Iraqi civilians dead, U.S. officials said Friday. While no decisions have been finalized, Blackwater's role in Baghdad is likely to be taken over by one of two other contractors who provide security for the State Department in Iraq, the officials said. They are Triple Canopy and DynCorp International. [See: DynCorp Disgrace By Kelly Patricia O'Meara 14 Jan 2002 Middle-aged men having sex with 12- to 15-year-olds was too much for Ben Johnston, a hulking 6-foot-5-inch Texan, and more than a year ago he blew the whistle on his employer, DynCorp, a U.S. contracting company doing business in Bosnia.]

Ministry of Defence Police and Guarding Agency Annual Report and .....
that the Metrix Consortium was the provisional Preferred. Partner for Package 2. .... contract...
www.official-documents.gov.uk/document/hc0607/hc06/0624/0624.pdf ....
HQ Administration
The past twelve months have seen responsibility for the dayto day maintenance of the Wethersfield site pass to the control of Defence Estates, with the demise of the old Property Management systems and the launch of Regional Prime Contracting (RPC). The HQ site forms part of the RPC (East)contract which was let in March 2006 to Babcock Dyncorp, for a period of seven years. The changeover has not been withoutits teething problems and provided staff with challenges as the new procedures bedded in.

Director of Personnel and Professional Development Assistant Chief Constable Robert Chidley
Defence Training Review

The Defence Training Review is the largest Public Private Partnership (PPP) arrangement ever initiated in the UK. Its purpose is to rationalise the delivery of military and police training in order to reduce the costs of training delivery and site maintenance within MOD and free up a large number of efence estate sites for disposal. Due to its size the project issplit into two packages with MDPGA training (provided largelyat the Wethersfield HQ site in Essex) in Package 2. The Agency is fully represented in the governance structure at all levels of the project up to and including the Programme ManagementBoard. In January 2007, the Defence Secretary announced that the Metrix Consortium was the provisional Preferred Partner for Package 2. Under the consortium’s proposed plan, training is likely to remain at Wethersfield.

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