
QinetiQ PPP & cluster bombs

QinetiQ was created in 2001 as a Public-Private Partnership (PPP) takeover of part of the MoD's Defence Evaluation and Research Agency (DERA). It describes itself as a 'defence and security technology company'. It develops and tests new weapons and 'future concepts' in defence technology including ballistic missile defence. 80% of Qinetiq sales are military and the MoD is its largest customer3. It is also involved in developing a whole new class of weapons using nanotechnology.

In December 2002 one third of the company was sold to the Carlyle Group, one of the largest venture capital companies in the world and among America's largest military contractors. The group is chaired by Frank Carlucci, Ronald Reagan's Secretary of Defence. George Bush Sr. was a senior advisor until 2003. Also on the board are James Baker III, a lawyer who has been advising and campaigning for Republican leaders since 1975 and fellow Republican adviser Richard G Darman. Former Conservative Prime Minister John Major is on the board in Europe.4 The Carlyle Group is one of several American companies who have provided mercenary soldiers and military and police training to other countries around the world, including some with questionable human rights records.

QinetiQ manages DERA's 42 installations in the UK including at least 12 in Scotland.

Various Scottish bases were used for the attack on Iraq.
Cluster bombs were tested at West Freugh in Wigtownshire, owned by QinetiQ.
The aircraft carrier Ark Royal, whilst at Loch Long near Faslane, was targeted by activists in January 2003 before its departure to Iraq.2
For detailed information about MoD and privatised military establishments in Scotland, read Scottish CND's excellent little book 'Fortress Scotland', available for £2.

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