
Protest at Serco profit from oppression and misery of others

  1. Serco also profits from nuclear weapons
  2. Protest at Serco AGM
  3. SERCO picket, London March 8, 2008

1. Serco also profits from nuclear weapons 09.03.2008

Serco also forms one third of AWE ML, along with U.S. arms giant Lockheed Martin and, presently, BNFL. This is the company which operates the Atomic Weapons Establishment sites at Aldermaston and Burghfield, both in Berkshire, on behalf of the Ministry of Defence. Serco therefore profits from the manufacture and maintenance of 'British' nuclear warheads for the Trident system.
home Homepage: http://www.tridentploughshares.org

2. Protest at Serco AGM 09.03.2008 23:43

Women from Aldermaston Women's Peace Camp have a (rogue) shareholder campaign against Serco in response to their WMD profiteering (though the reasons to despise this company are numerous ... talk about dirty fingers...).

Any women wanting to get involved (whatever your reasons for taking issue with Serco), should drop us a line, or come and have a chat with us at camp, or on Easter Monday demo at Aldermaston.
Serco AGM usually end of April/early May at the QEII centre in westminster.
some related links:
http://www.cnduk.org/aldermaston/mail e-mail: info@aldermaston.net

home Homepage: http://www.aldermaston.net

3. SERCO picket, London March 8, 2008 Indymedia UK - UK
SERCO may be a name that most people would not recognise, though increasingly around the world it is running their lives. Around the world, governments are ...
See all stories on this topic
SERCO have a Research Institute in a court off High Holborn, and as a part of the International Women's Day, Feminist Fightback, All African Women’s Group and Black Women’s Rape Action Project held a picket there after the Million Women Rise event on Saturday March 8.

Around 40 people turned up to demand the immediate closure of Yarl's Wood and an end to the criminalisation of rape and torture survivors. They also called for an end to SERCO and other private companies profiting from the oppression and misery of others.
More about this – and many more pictures – on My London Diary soon.

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