
business as usual for academy - Oh no its not!

‘It’s business as usual’ for the academy Oh no its not! What a panto!

Peter Collins article ‘It’s business as usual’ for the academy is so misleading and unbalanced - Metrix talk of partnerships with WAG who seem to be happy to continue with this unfeasible fantasy which is unpopular with the military top brass and even more unpopular with PCS the union representing the skilled workforce involved. How can boss Barrington from Metrix claim that privatised training is more efficient or cost effective when they are cutting courses by 25% jeopardising effectiveness or in plain English - putting our soldiers at risk-as a desperate measure to reduce costs already £2 BILLION over budget. Rumour is that Qinetiq and Raytheon don't seem to see eye to eye which doesn't bode well for training delivery. Qinetiq shares have dropped because of the likelihood of a collapse of the (DTR) St Athan project. We must not forget there have been protests worldwide against Raytheon weapon suppliers, there is a massive protest now in Bristol however it is very likely that permanent protest will be coming to St Athan with Raytheon.

Write to Wales online ecletters@mediawales.co.uk and Peter Collins


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