
Keep the private sector out of Military Training!

While PCS call for work to be brought back in house politicans in Wales are welcoming private sector involvement in Military Training - are they crazy? This is not just the private sector - these are arms dealers - Raytheon- QinetiQ - EDS - Serco - would you trust them? How many jobs?? Can you believe them? Keep the privatised military academy out of St Athan!


The Public and Commercial Services Union (PCS) called for the government to consider bringing back in-house, work undertaken by private companies in the Driving Standards Agency (DSA) and across government, following the loss of the details of 3 million candidates for driving theory tests by a private contractor in the US.

Commenting, Mark Serwotka, PCS general secretary, said: “This latest data loss by a private contractor in the US raises serious questions about the role of the private sector and the security of data. The fear is that in a dash to cut costs, the government are contracting out sensitive work to unaccountable private companies resulting in personal data being held by third parties half way across the globe. The security of personal data should be paramount and not subject to cost cutting, which is why the government should be bringing the work in-house
house and giving the public sector the resources to hold it securely.”

PCS: Union Responds to Interim Report on Child Benefit Loss 18/12/2007 - MEDIA RELEASE Date: 18 December 2007 For immediate use UNION RESPONDS TO INTERIM REPORT ON CHILFull press release ...

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